Welcome to a Sacred Portal

A bridge leading you from a fourth dimensional existence into the fifth dimension

A transformational rite of passage for those ready to embody a higher state of consciousness and birth the New Earth

For a long time, many of us have craved changes in the world

Some of us have had visions of a new way of living yet it has always been outside of our reach

That is until now

New Earth is Here

The true living Light grid is available to us now

We are Free

Within this energetic grid the light responds to our inner state

The transformation begins from within by aligning our thoughts, emotions, and actions to embody our truth allowing the universe to mirror our essence

This is not just a new way of being - it is a new way of living, and creating

It is my way of life, and it can be yours too


Multidimensional Visionary Healer

Regardless of who you are, how you define yourself,

or the circumstances of your life

You are Soul

It is time to reconnect deeper with those aspects

of yourself and live in your totality

Creating life from your true soul essence

Sheri Bentley was the name given to me at birth

META is the name bestowed upon me by the Divine