Gold Soul Color ~ Spiritual Power

I am in awe of you and your incredible nature. Gold is the only soul color that must be earned. You embody the highest vibration and possess the wisdom and knowledge that comes from many lifetimes of spiritual growth. You are truly worthy of all the rewards that come with being gifted with a gold personality, and it is time for you to fully embrace this and allow yourself to bask in its glory.

Your power is immense, and while it can be intimidating, I want to remind you that you have the power to decide how you use it. You can choose to build or destroy, and it is up to you to use your power for the greater good. Your sensitivity is also a gift, and it is important that you recognize this and embrace it fully.

Gold is associated with mysticism, saints, and divinities, and it symbolizes universal spirit in its perfect purity. It represents strength and wealth, but it is also a reminder to focus on the positive attributes of generosity, experience, maturity, wisdom, forgiveness, power, and vitality.

I understand that the intensity of your power and wisdom can sometimes lead to negative feelings, such as depression and apathy. But I encourage you to turn these feelings around and use your power to cultivate optimism, happiness, prosperity, and faith.

To protect your energy, consider creating a gold mental shield or cloak around your body and energy at all times. And remember to take a look at the positive attributes of Gold and see which ones resonate with you the most.

Positive + Shadow Attributes

As a Gold personality, your unconditional service for the highest good of all, benevolence, spiritual power, mercy, sacrifice, completion, fulfillment, and wisdom are all important attributes. You may also find that you get restless and are always on the move, and that you are very good at giving advice and creating solutions to any issue.

The downside of being a Gold is that you may not tend to give compliments and can take things for granted. You are honest but can sometimes lose your temper easily. But I want to remind you that you no longer have to sacrifice, because when you win, everyone else wins.

It is your time to fully experience all the wealth, wisdom, power, and spiritual connection that gold holds. You are sacred and here to be cherished, so embrace the goodness, richness, and greatness of your soul. Stand in your Golden presence and let yourself experience the full golden light of your being. You are a truly remarkable and special person.


I am wealthy beyond measure