Green Soul Color ~ the Nurturer

I want to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of your soul, your green soul. It is responsible for the incredible feelings of love and compassion that you have towards yourself and others. You are a nurturing and caring person, and your green personality shines through in everything that you do.

Green is the combination of yellow and blue, and being this soul colour makes you open-hearted, decisive, indecisive, peaceful, and a nature lover. You love to have an open house and like to entertain at home. Your home is your castle, and it is a reflection of your warm and loving nature.

As a green person, you strive to find balance and harmony in your life. Without balance, you won’t feel happy. It is a crucial aspect of your green personality. You have a deep connection to nature and are more of a country person than a city person. You need to give yourself time regularly outdoors. You have a strong identity with the healing arts, and your green personality brings you stability and practical common sense.

It is important to note that you are neither an extrovert nor an introvert, and sometimes, you like to watch the world rather than participate. You like to think things through many times before you take action, and as you deliberate on anything, you find it hard to make decisions. You can’t really think through decisions, you have to feel into your decisions and when you fully make a decision with all of your body, everything will fall into place.

Positive + Shadow Attributes

Your positive attributes are endless, from being tactful, practical, caring, productive, generous, to being a highly imaginative reformer, progressive, and committed helper. You have solid insights into other peoples’ needs, and many business people work on the green ray. Your ability to attract ‘green’ money is remarkable, and you can make ventures flourish quickly.

However, like all personalities, there is a shadow side to being a green. You may tend to be over-cautious and insecure, but this can change if you do the inner work. The green personality rules the emotions and relates to matters of the heart. When green energy is in full flow, you are deeply connected, centered, and balanced. But when there is a shortfall, the green-eyed monster may appear. A green person who has not learned to ask for what they need for themselves may slip into feeling ‘green with envy’ or jealousy towards others who appear more fortunate.

It is okay to observe these emotions and drop into the awareness of where you are sacrificing yourself. Personal growth is very important to you, both yours and others. You are always evolving and stretching your mind, open to new beginnings.

Your lesson as a green personality is unconditional love. Others you meet on your journey will mirror back this lesson to you. You are an empath and sensitive, and you may have moments in your life where you feel like you carry the world on your back. When this happens, it’s a sign you are taking on too much, and becoming over-responsible. Be careful not to take on the rescuer or super Green’s role, as you have a strong link to Mother Earth too.

Remember to rest and just be. You came into this world to have money and abundance, claim it, and allow it to be your reality. Honour your sensitive nature as your strength. You are so much like nature, you have everything you want and need inside you. Use it, tap into it, believe you are worthy, and go for your BIG dreams. You are here to make a BIG impact, and I have no doubt that you will.


I am a Money Magnet