Violet Soul Color ~ the Idealist

You are a unique and special soul, with a violet personality that encompasses both light and shadow aspects. Your loving and kind nature is balanced by your high standards and ideals that can sometimes be hard to meet. It's important to remember that while it's great to strive for better, it shouldn't come at the cost of your own wellbeing or that of others.

Your truth is rooted in love, worthiness, and compassion. It's essential to find these within yourself first, to unlock the greater sense of peace, connection, and love that you deserve. You have been gifted with a spiritual awareness and psychic intuition that allows you to inspire and uplift others.

However, when your negative side surfaces, you can become stubborn, opinionated, and critical. Remember that your truth lies in your kindness, generosity, and spiritual truth, which will lead you to make your mark on the world.

Positive + Shadow Attributes

Your combination of blue and red aspects, which make up violet, makes you a natural leader and visionary. You have the potential to be a great success in whatever you do, and everything you put your mind to is done well. So stand tall and own your power.

As a violet personality, you may feel listless or down at times if you don't appreciate your sensitive nature. You have a generous heart and care deeply for others. Violet encourages your passion for the arts, music, and all things creative.

It's important to slow down from time to time and assess what you truly want from life. Follow your dreams and reach for the stars, always trusting that Divine Source loves you and that you are deserving of the best. Remember that your job is to love yourself first.

You can be emotional and cry easily, and it's okay to let your emotions flow. They will teach you and liberate you. You are a great cook and have a natural creative talent. But being a violet personality can also come with challenges, such as developing deep emotional issues or giving unwisely.

So come back to yourself and ask, "What does my heart need?" Avoid making hasty emotional decisions and focus on finding movement and variety in your life. You deserve the best, and all that you are seeking is already within you.

May you embrace your true self, with all its light and shadow aspects, and trust in the journey that lies ahead.


Everything I want is mine by Divine right