Explore Your Soul Color Blueprint

Discover Your Soul Color Blueprint

through the power of numerology and color

With every number comes a unique frequency of color, and this is where the magic begins. Each color has its unique attributes and significance. You get to unravel the impact of your soul color on your very being. You will learn about the qualities that you were born with, the attributes that are readily available to you to make your life easier, and the lessons that you have come back to learn. You will also discover your soul personality, the essence of who you truly are.

Now, let us delve deeper into what this means for you.

First step is to reduce the numbers below to a single digit. This is accomplished by adding the digits together until they become a single digit. For Example, for someone born on the 29 of the month, we add 2 + 9 = 11, the sum is still a double digit so we reduce it again by adding 1 + 1 = 2 to achieve a single digit. You simply continue the process as needed to arrive at a single digit. We will be calculating four numbers.

  • Day of your birth = The Color Vibration Qualities You Were Born With

  • Your Birth Month = The Color Vibration Tools Available to Support You

  • Your Birth Year = The Color Vibration Your Soul Has Come to Learn

  • Your Birth Day + Month + Year = Your Soul Color Vibration

Take a moment to calculate the Number Vibrations above then explore the Colors Attributes below